The Porch

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Strawberry White Cranberry Cooler

Strawberry White Cranberry Cooler


2 heaping tablespoons Set to a  Tea Tennie Bean Fruit Blend tea
4 cups boiling water
4-5 cups ice
1   (64 oz.) container of White Cranberry Strawberry Juice
1 packet Splenda or any natural (0  calorie) sweetner
1 heat resistant gallon pitcher


Put tea into Set to a Tea Tea Pockets filter or Mesh Ball Infuser.
Place filter into heat resistant gallon pitcher.  Pour 4 cups boiling
water over tea.  Steep 4-5 minutes.  if using a paper filter, dunk
and then remove.  Quickly add 5 cups ice to steeped tea.  Add
64 oz. container White Cranberry Strawberry Juice.

Optional Garnish:  Fresh sliced strawberries.

Great to serve at your  summer picnic.

NOTE:  Tennie Bean Fruit Blend Tea
              Strawberry, hibiscus, rose hips,
              orange peels and jelly beans for
              a strawberry cream taste.

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