The Porch

Welcome to Betty's favorites! My name is Betty and I am a self proclaimed "Serial Plate Collector!" Please, take out your best tea cup, fix yourself some tea and stay a while.

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Autumn Bliss

                                       Autumn Bliss

     Somewhere between the buzz of Indian Summer locusts and the deafening silence of new fallen snow is a fleeting, exhilarating bliss known as Autumn.  It arrives in radiant splendor, summoning our primal urges to  feather our nests.  The aroma of tea, coffee and soups is more enticing and we find a hundred ways to savour an apple.  Cords of seasonal hickory are stacked outside in anticipation of a roaring hearth and we greet the longer nights with cozy bedclothes.  We refresh our sweater supply, and stock up on candles sensing the dramatic excitement that rivals the energy of those scurrying bushy tails.

     Stroll through these pages as
     though immersed in Kentucky
     woods come October!

     xo Betty    

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