The Porch

Welcome to Betty's favorites! My name is Betty and I am a self proclaimed "Serial Plate Collector!" Please, take out your best tea cup, fix yourself some tea and stay a while.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD ~ shoebox ~ Nov. 15-22


Mission is to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church world wide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

     You can help and participate by filling a shoe box(s) for a boy or girl for Christmas and delivering it /them to your local church along with $7.00 for shipping.  Go to their website and choose a boy(s) or girl(s) to send a Christmas shoe box to.


small cars etc.
School Supplies:
pens, etc.
Hygiene Items:
toothbrush, etc.
hard candy, etc.

A Personal Note:

Do Not Include:

ALL THE INFORMATION IS ON THEIR WEBSITE:  http:/www.operationchristmaschild/

Enjoy your holidays and help someone else enjoy theirs.

Katie Frasure told me about the...

   Christian Appalichian Project

     I was born in Pikeville, KY and want to give
you this information.  Families there need your
help!.  1-800-755-5322  Support a
Brenda Watts at

* Food Basket Project
  (dry/canned foods)
* Compassion Basket Project
  (personal hygiene, towels, etc)
* School Rediness Backpack Program
   (school supplies)
* Christmas Basket Program
  (gifts for a family)

Go to their website and fill out an application
and support one family, small as family of 3.

God Bless,
Betty J

1 comment:

johnson said...

Welcome to Belle Ayers Tea Parlor & Boutique.
gifts for wedding party