The Porch

Welcome to Betty's favorites! My name is Betty and I am a self proclaimed "Serial Plate Collector!" Please, take out your best tea cup, fix yourself some tea and stay a while.

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Belle Ayers Tea Parlor and Boutique: Apron Collection

Belle Ayers Tea Parlor and Boutique: Apron Collection

Apron Collection

Apron Collection ~

Are you a Tea Lady, wife & mom,
or student?  Do you collect aprons?
I do.  Can't resist those lovely aprons.

Most of mine are in storage but I bought a new one
last week...that I will be showing you!  I'm messy in cooking, dishwashing and various household duties, so I have to wear
an apron.  Started as a young married woman, I enjoyed them
so.  Come to think of it, an apron was my first sewing adventure
in school (4-H Club).  Mine was green checkered with dark
green trim.  Gee, was I proud of it!

I look forward to hearing about your apron collection and seeing
photos when possible. 

May this be your sweetest spring,
Blessings, Betty
(please tell us your story below)  Thanks!