The Porch

Welcome to Betty's favorites! My name is Betty and I am a self proclaimed "Serial Plate Collector!" Please, take out your best tea cup, fix yourself some tea and stay a while.

Thank you for stopping by the porch!
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Monday, April 24, 2017

PSALM 34:8

O taste and see that the Lord is good:  blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.
Psalm  34:8

PSALM 119: 130

How sweet are thy words unto my taste!  yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Psalm 119:103

It's Official the Barefoot Season

It's official. The fireflies and frogs have announced the barefoot season.  Even the Autumn  lovers have succumbed to hammocks and wind chimes in wait of the eminent turn.  The rhythmic hum of oscillating fans, lawn mowers, children's clamour and gurgling fountains are the soundtrack of summer.  Family potlucks, cookouts and family reunions invite picnic hampers, nostalgic tablecloths and pieced quilts to sprawl upon the ground. 

This is the nonchalant season when the living is easy.  Relaxed conversation over icy lemonade on the porch swing and patriotic cupcakes with butter cream frosting and trips to the organic market.

May your sunshiny days surprise your thirsty gardens with an occasional thunderstorm.  Revel in the aromas and visions of the leisure season until that first cold snapp induces sweater weather once again!

Fondest Wishes,
Betty Jo

Appalachian Apple Stack Cake


Appalachian Apple Stack Cake

Appalachian Apple Stack Cake, known by several names-dried apple cake, washday cake, gingerbread cake-the elements of  an  Appalachian apple stack cake are essentially the same:  dried apples and hearty disks of dough are married; the apples stewed, spiced, mashed and spread atop  each pancake-like layer.  The resulting texture is thick and tactile on the plate.  Apples, and sorghum offer a touch of sweetness, allowing the cake to retain it's stick-to-the-ribs character.

Several states  lay claim to the cake, but it is widely believed it was brought to Kentucky by James Harrod, the founder off Harrodsburg, in the mid -1700s.  Legend states the confection was used as a wedding cake, with family  members and friends baking and contributing their own layer.  The more layers on the cake, the more popular the bride.  This romantic lore is up fore debate.  The history of this humble cake is that, once assembled, the cake must
sit for at least 2 days before being cut.  Regardless of the cake's history, there's no doubt the cake is a labor of love.

Appalachian food and folklore hold a special place in my heart, as I was born in Pikeville, Kentucky and most of my family are in the Eastern Kentucky Mountains now. 

Appalachian Apple Stack Cake Recipe

1 1/2 lbs. dried apples
1 c. light brown sugar
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. ground ginger
1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
5-7 c. water

1.  Place the dried apples. light brown sugar cinnamon, and nutmeg in a succe pan.  Add enough water to just cover (approximately 5 to 7 cups) and bring to a boil.
2.  Once boiling, reduce the heat to medium-low and allow to simmer for an hour or more, until the mixture has reduced and the apples have softened,  add more water if the mixture begins to dry out as it cooks.  Continue to simmer until nearly all the water has been absorbed..
3.  Break down the apples with a potato masher.  Remove from the heay and set aside.


2/3 unsalted butter
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. light brown sugar
1 c. sorghum
2 eggs
2 Tbsp. vanilla
1 Tbsp. ground ginger
1 Tbsp. fresh ginger, grated
5 c. all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 c. buttermilk

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2.  Using a mixer on low speed, cream the butter, sugar, and sorghum until smooth and well combined.  Add eggs, one a  time, making sure the first egg is well incorporated before adding the second egg.  Add vanilla, grated ginger and ground ginger.
3.  In a large bowl sift together the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.  With the mixer on low speed, add 1/3 of the flour mixture to the bowl with the sugar and spices, and combine well.  Next add 1/2 c. buttermilk, mix to blend all the second half of the buttermilk.  Add the remaining flour and scrape down the sides of the bowl, ensuring that the dough is smooth and well incorporated.
5.  Butter two 9 inch cake pans.  Using a measuring cup, scoop one cup of the dough into a pan.  Using well floured hands or a knife, spread the dough along the bottom of the pan, smoothing over any holes that are created.  The dough will be approximately one quarter of an inch thick.  Repeat for the second pan.
6.  Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes until light golden and a knife inserted into the center comes out clean.  Place a plate over top of the cake pan.  Wearing an oven mitt, carefully turn the pan and plate upside down, so that the cake will fall out of the pan onto the plate.
7.  Transfer the warm cake to a cake stand and top with 1/2 cup (or more) of the stewed apples.  Turn out the second cake from the pan and slide it on top of the apple-covered first layer.  Add the apples to the second layer of cake. 
8.  Wipe away any remaining crumbs from the cake pans, re-grease, and repeat until all of the cake batter has been baked.  This recipe should yield five cake layers.
9.  Layer each cake with the apples, with the exception of the top layer.  Cover cake tightly with three layers of plastic wrap and place a clean dish towel on top.  Allow the cake to rest at least two days before slicing.




Appalachian Apple Stack Cake

Sunday, April 23, 2017


But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith,
meekness, temperance: against
such there is no law.
GALATIANS: 5:22-23


But he answered and said,
It is written, man shall not
live by bread alone, but by
every word that proceedeth
out of the mouth of God.

MARK 1:17

And Jesus said unto them,
Come ye after me, and I
will make you to become
fishers of men.
MARK 1:17

PSLAM 22:26

The meek shall eat and be satisfied:
they shall praise the Lord that seek
him: your heart shall live for ever.
PSALM 22:26

LUKE 17:6

And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain
of mustard seed, ye might say unto this
sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the
root, and be thou planted in the sea; and
it should obey you.
LUKE 17:6

JOHN 7:37-38

If any man thirst, let him come unto me,
and drink.  He that believeth on me,
as the scripture hath said, out of his belly
shall flow rivers of living water.
JOHN 7: 37-38

Lemon Chiffon Cake


Lemon Chiffon Cake                                       Melissa Wright Cross

Makes 1 (10 inch) Bundt Cake

2 1/2 cups sifted King Arthur flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 sugar, divided
1/2 c. olive oil
7 large eggs
 Tbsp. lemon zest
3/4 c. fresh lemon juice
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar
Lemon Glaze (recipe follows)
Garnish: lemon zest, fresh raspberries

1.  Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
2.  In large bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, salt, and 1 1/4 cups sugar.
Make well in the center,
3.  In a small bowl, whisk together oil, egg yolks, lemon zest, lemon juice, and vanilla extract.
4.  Pour oil mixture into well of flour mixture.  Beat with a mixer at medium speed until smooth, about 1 minute.
5.  In a separate large bowl, beat egg whites with a mixer at medium-high speed until frothy, about 1 minute.  Add cream of tarter, and beat to combine.  With mixer running, gradually add remaining 1/4 cup sugar.  Continue beating until stiff peaks form.  Using a rubber spatula, fold one-third of egg-white mixture into batter. Add two-thirds of egg-whit mixture, folding until just combined.
6.  Spoon batter into an ungreased (10 inch) angel food pan with cooling feet.  Bake until a wooden pick inserted near the center comes out clean, about 55 minutes.  Remove from oven.  Invert pan, and let cool completely.
7.  Place pan in an upright position.  Using a knife, loosen cake from pan.  Dislodge inner core from pan, and remove from cake.  Invert cake onto a wire rack, then invert onto a serving platter.   Spoon Lemon Glaze over cake.  Garnish with lemon zest and raspberries, if desired.  Store, covered, in refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Lemon Glaze

Makes approximately 1 cup

1 1/4 c. confectioners' sugar
2 Tbsp. half-and-half
1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice

In a small bowl, whisk together sugar, half-and-half, and lemon juice until smooth.  Use immediately.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Down to Earth Style

An Inspirational find...

This cute pumpkin arrangement from
Down to Earth Style is absolutely adorable!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Inspirational Purple Tablescape

Always looking for inspirational talbescapes.
This one, I  found at
Just gorgeous!  I'm working on same for our sunporch!!!
xo Betty

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Meet Chad

                             Meet our shihtzu Chad!

                                                    Before going to the groomer.

                                                                After, handsome!

     We have never had a dog that acted so much like a baby but Chad does. 
     Chad always wants our attention!  He stays right with one of us all the
     time.  Shih Tzu have hair just like people and his grows so fast.  We wanted  
     to let it grow to the floor like a show dog...we did and last week I cut it all
     off except for his head and tail.  These dogs are bred to resemble a lion and
     we wanted him to have a lion cut but I couldn't wait and longer, as he is
     very strong and we can't give him a bath.  Maybe as the weather gets cold
     he can have a lion cut,  he does have to go to the groomer once a month.
     With very short hair, he must have a doggy jacket to go outside.  TJ MAX
     has some really cute ones for $7.99.  Guess we'll shop there this week-end.

                                                                     xo  Betty

Friday, September 27, 2013

Looking for ideas and inspiration for fall?


     Looking for ideas and inspiration for fall?  Come share YOUR projects, recipes, DIY, decor', family parties, tablescapes, and more, here at...Belle Ayers Tea Parlor ~ Seasons on the Sunporch.

Love re-decorating my cupboard.
Would love to see yours, too!
The cooler weather has me organizing the dining room and kitchen and getting ready for cozy days ahead.  I gained some storage with recent changes in my kitchen and so my cupboard is a little less loaded down, and is easier to change up for the holidays.  I like the idea of changing vignettes so this hutch will get reordered often.  It always seems to take a big sigh when it does!
This pic doesn't give my chandelier Justus, it's much prettied without  the faux apples on top.  Will have to take another pic.  This group of pics are from our sunporch at:
My favorite of three chandelier thrifty finds.  This one casts a cozy soft light over the table in the next pic.
We decorated our sunporch for fall & Hallonween, our favorite part of the house.  See the lovely outdoor view!  We really enjoy it out here when it's raining, as rooftop is tin.  The porch holds one of our hutches (above), bird cages (bought 2 parakeets yesterday), pumpkins, leaf garlands, 3 floor lamps, faux white owls from TJ MAXX, 3 rats (dollar tree), rose sofa & chair, (my thrifty find) in
beautiful floral with matching foot stool, faux rooster from TJ MAXX, fall wreath (I made), electric fireplace (which I thought would keep us warm in winter but won't), tall green fir tree,  and a collector ceramic horse in beautiful multi colors from our neighbor.  Guess that's enough!
Hope you're having a cozy Tuesday!
xoxo  betty
xo Betty

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Friendship Tea


Never Enough Chandeliers

We can never have enough chandeliers.  Spring two years ago I bought three that I dearly love at thrift stores.  This one did not have the electrical cord cut off and it's brass with four glass lights, white trimmed in pink.  On top is a fall garland of apples.  The chandelier casts a cozy light over the table.

                                                           Chandelier on sunporch.

Peek into our Sunporch

     We have our sunporch almost decorated...

     This is one corner of the sunporch.  With five sliding glass windows and door we have a magnificent view.  We will truly enjoy the snow flurries and little hills of snow this winter.  How have you decorated your porch for fall?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Autumn Bliss

                                       Autumn Bliss

     Somewhere between the buzz of Indian Summer locusts and the deafening silence of new fallen snow is a fleeting, exhilarating bliss known as Autumn.  It arrives in radiant splendor, summoning our primal urges to  feather our nests.  The aroma of tea, coffee and soups is more enticing and we find a hundred ways to savour an apple.  Cords of seasonal hickory are stacked outside in anticipation of a roaring hearth and we greet the longer nights with cozy bedclothes.  We refresh our sweater supply, and stock up on candles sensing the dramatic excitement that rivals the energy of those scurrying bushy tails.

     Stroll through these pages as
     though immersed in Kentucky
     woods come October!

     xo Betty    

An Autumnal Life

     Inside the light of this new season casts comfortable sun across our sunporch a perpetually bright room.  It is a much kinder light than that cast by summer:  a veil I am happy to see my life through.  I burn cinnamon and cook cabbage to a scrumptious softness, just right for an autumn lunch, sprinkled with garlic, parmesan cheese and black pepper.  I eat with a glass cup full of walnut tea at my side to sip.  As we come alive again when the weather turns cold. 

I look forward to Autumn because mine is an Autumnal life, a Wintered soul.
As August tumbles into September, I feel myself being reborn again laughing more and complaining less.  Enjoying the changes in the seasons with you at Seasons on the Sunporch!
Add caption

Seasons on the Sunporch

Good Morning,

     Sure wish you were here!  Our sunporch is almost ready for fall decorating.  Can hardly wait.  Our shih Tzu pups occupied the sunporch for the last three months.  Then we decided to have only one, Chad and let him in the house.  Working out much better.  Now, the porch is all ours.  It holds our rose sofa and chair, a beautiful floral chair (a thrifty find), electric fireplace and we'll be bringing in the round-glass outdoor table with chairs and hopefully change the décor seasonally.  We added orange & tan plaid café curtains to the double windows  between the dining room and porch, with a large fall wreath, all facing the porch.  Porch has sliding glass door and five large sliding windows with screens, and two sky lights.  We always sit on the porch to listen to and watch the rain.  So comforting.  Decorations and sheers (pulled back) will certainly make a pretty sitting area.  Glad we finally got around to doing this project.  Pictures will be posted when completed.

Woke up this morning to cold weather, 49 degrees which is most welcome but now I wonder how warm it will be by Christmas.  We're planning on having coffee and meals out in the sunporch.  Guess we'll see about that!  Hope we're not disappointed!!

xo  Betty
This is the top to the bottom panels we add to the double windows. 
Bottom panels have a wide hem band of the dark color on the top, nor scallops or tassels.  Very cozy.

Life on the Porch

Life on the porch...

Welcome to the porch, come in and enjoy a cuppa walnut tea with me.  The weather is surprisingly cold this morning, 49 degrees and most welcome.  We need cozy cocks and snuggly blankets are called for.  There is no doubt that this is autumn - a season that has won the battle over the persuasive charms  of the Indian Summer and allowing the leaves to fall much earlier than usual, though yards are still abundant with colorful flowers. 
 Are you experiencing the same? 

Saturday, August 10, 2013




Whether a family is bound together
or scattered far apart,
Loved ones from the past and present
are always in our heart.
Legacies of love and pride are passed down
through the years,
Journals kept of triumphs, tragedies and tears.
 Tales of great joy, sacrifice and sorrow can be found,
Character traits, personalities and likenesses abound.
Families give us history, roots tied to our past
And a heritage that's honored is one that's sure to last.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Peanutbutter Berry Smoothie

Peanut Butter Berry Smoothie
                                          Berry Delicious

1/2 frozen ripe banana, sliced
2  T creamy peanut butter
4 strawberries, sliced
1/4 cup raspberries
1/2 cup ice
1 cup milk or cold tea, brewed
sweetner to taste (sugar, honey, splenda)

Put all in blender until smoothe.

Drink & Enjoy!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cheddar Bacon Herb Scones

Cheddar Bacon Herb Scones
served with Set  to a Tea - The Earl's Finest Tea
1 box Set to a Tea - Sweet Creme Gourmet Scone Mix
6 tablespoons melted butter
1  (6 oz.) carton sour cream
3 tablespoons milk
1/2 cup finely shredded sharp cheddar cheese
3/4 cup real bacon bits or crumbled bacon
4 tablespoons melted butter
1/2 teaspoon garlic
1/2 teaspoon chives
2 tablespoons finely shredded sharp
 cheddar cheese for final garnish
*  Preheat oven to 400 degrees
*  Pour Set to a Tea - Sweet Cream Scone Mix
into large bowl.
*  Add 1/2 cup finely shredded sharp
cheddar cheese and 3/4 cup bacon, and mix.
*  Melt butter in microwave in small bowl,
and add sour cream and milk.
*  Add butter mixture to dry ingredients.
*  Fold mixture until blended.
*  Use hand to form a ball and
move over to wax paper or cutting board.
*  Form dough into a round.
Cut into 8 equal pie shaped wedges.
*  Separate wedges into individual pieces
and place on cookie sheet.
*  Bake at 400 degrees for 12-15  minutes.
*  Remove from oven and brush with butter topping
and sprinkle with cheese while still warm.
Melt butter in microwave and combine
with garlic and chives.
Garnish with cheddar cheese  and
serve with Set to a Tea - The Earl's Finest Tea.

Cranberry Corn Scones

                                        Cranberry Corn Scones


1 box Set to a Tea - Cranberry gourmet Scone Mix
1/2 cup corn meal
1  (6 oz.) vanilla yogurt
6 tablespoons melted butter
3 tablespoons creamed corn or orange juice
1 teaspoon sugar or splenda


*  Preheat oven to 400 degrees

*  Pour Set to a Tea - cranberry scone mix into a large bowl.
    Add corn meal and mix.
*  Melt butter in microwave in small bowl, add yogurt and
    creamed corn (or orange juice).
*  Add butter mixture to dry ingredients.  Fold mixture until
*  Use hands to form a ball and move over to wax paper or
    cutting board.
*  Form dough into a round, sprinkle with sugar if desired.
*  Cut into eight equal pie shaped wedges.  Separate wedges
    into individual pieces and place on cookie sheet.
*  Bake at 400 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

Serve with Set to a Tea - Autumn Bliss Tea.


Coconut Truffle Biscotti

Coconut Truffle Biscotti
1 box Set to a Tea - Coconut Truffle Scone mix
3 tablespoons butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar, optional - 4 teaspoons Splenda or other
4 egg whites
2 teaspoons vanilla or any flavor of your choosing
1/2 cup any type chocolate chips, bits, nuts or candy
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  In a small mixing bowl,
beat butter and sugar for about 2 minutes or until crumbly.
Beat in egg whites and extract.
Add scone mix to the butter, sugar and egg white mixture.
Stir in any additional chips, etc.
Press into a 9" square baking dish, coated with non stick cooking spray.
Bake 15-20 minutes or until lightly browned.
Remove from pan to a cutting board.
Cut biscotti in half using a serrated knife.
Then cut each half into 1/2 inch slices.
Place the slices cut side down on a baking sheet coated with non stick cooking spray.
Bake 8-10 minutes or until golden brown, turning once.
Remove fom pan to wire rack.
Dust with confectioner's sugar.
Enjoy with a cup of hot  Set to a Tea Coconut Truffle tea!
NOTE:  Coconut Truffle Tea
A blend of black tea with coconut pieces and chocolate bits!

Strawberry White Cranberry Cooler

Strawberry White Cranberry Cooler


2 heaping tablespoons Set to a  Tea Tennie Bean Fruit Blend tea
4 cups boiling water
4-5 cups ice
1   (64 oz.) container of White Cranberry Strawberry Juice
1 packet Splenda or any natural (0  calorie) sweetner
1 heat resistant gallon pitcher


Put tea into Set to a Tea Tea Pockets filter or Mesh Ball Infuser.
Place filter into heat resistant gallon pitcher.  Pour 4 cups boiling
water over tea.  Steep 4-5 minutes.  if using a paper filter, dunk
and then remove.  Quickly add 5 cups ice to steeped tea.  Add
64 oz. container White Cranberry Strawberry Juice.

Optional Garnish:  Fresh sliced strawberries.

Great to serve at your  summer picnic.

NOTE:  Tennie Bean Fruit Blend Tea
              Strawberry, hibiscus, rose hips,
              orange peels and jelly beans for
              a strawberry cream taste.

Skinny Chai Rooibos Latte

Skinny Chai Rooibos Latte


1 heaping teaspoon Set to a Tea Chai Rooibos tea
1 Set to a Tea - Tea Pockets filter or Mesh Ball Infuser
1/2 cup water (boiling)
1/2 cup Land O Lakes Fat Free Half & Half (warmed in microwave)
1 packet Splenda or any natural ( 0  calorie) sweetner
4 tablespoons fat free whipped cream topping


Put tea into filter.  Place filter into cup.  Pour 1/2 cup boiling water
over tea.  Steep 4-5 minutes  Dunk filter and then remove.  Add Splenda,
warmed Half & Half and stir.  Top with whipped cream topping.

For a refreshing summer drink, quickly ice or "flash freeze" this recipe
over a tall glass filled with ice.

Optional Garnish:  Top with cinnamon or ginger.

Calories:  About 90 calories per 8 oz. serving.

NOTE:  Chai Rooibos
              African red tea blended with
              cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, and

Blueberry Buckle Smoothie

Blueberry Buckle Smoothie


1 cup brewed Set to a Tea Blueberry Buckle tea
1/2 cup fresh blueberries
1 (6 oz.) blueberry or french vanilla yogurt
6-8 ice cubes


In blender, combine Blueberry Buckle tea with blueberries and yogurt,
blend until smooth.  Add ice cubes and blend until thick and frothy.

NOTE:  Blueberry Buckle
              A very tasty blend of black and green teas
              with blueberry pieces.

Passion Pink Green Tea Spritzer

Passion Pink Green Tea Spritzer


2 heaping tablespoons of Set to a Tea Passion Pink Green Tea
4 cups steaming water
4 - 5 cups ice
2 cups club soda
1/2 cup strawberries
1/2 cup raspberries
1/2 cuplueberries

1 heat resistant gallon pitcher

Pour Passion Pink tea into Tea Pockets filter or
Mesh Ball Infuser.  Place filter into heat resistant gallon pitcher.
Pour 4 cups steaming water over tea.  Steep 4-5 minutes.  If using
a paper filter, dunk and then remove.  Quickly add 5 cups ice to the
steeped tea.  Add fruit, club soda and stir.

Delicious treat, ready to sip.

NOTE:  The Perfect Cup supplies...

Passion Pink
Green and Rooibos teas blended with pieces of rhubarb,
strawberries and rose petals for a sweet fruity flavor. 

Tea Pockets filters
These are easy to use pockets; perfect for your loose tea!
Just fill, flip and teep!  30 pockets per pack.

Mesh Ball Infuser
This 2" diameter mesh ball is ideal for brewing your loose tea.
Stainless steel with plastic teapot charm on a clip for easy cleaning.

Creamsicle Rooibos Peach Smoothie

Creamsicle Rooibos Peach Smoothie


1 cup chilled Creamsicle Rooibos
1 cup fresh ripe peaches
1 (6 oz.) peach yogurt
6 to 8 ice cubes


Combine Creamsicle Rooibos, peaches, and yogurt,
blend until smooth.  Add ice cubes and process until
thick and frothy.

NOTE:  Creamsicle Rooibos
              African red tea blended with vanilla flavoring
              and orange pieces.

Friday, January 25, 2013

BJs Tea Cake

BJs Tea Cake


2 cups sugar
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon Coconut Truffle tea, dry
2 sticks marjorine
4 teaspoons cocoa
1 cup brewed Coconut Truffle tea
1/2 cup buttermilk
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon coconut extract
1 cup chopped walnuts


Sift together flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon and add
dry Coconut Truffle tea,  Set aside.  In a saucepan, melt
butter.  Add coco and brewed Coconut Truffle tea and bring
to a boil.  Pour over flour mixture.  Quickly add buttermilk,
eggs, vanilla, coconut extract, and walnuts.  Mix well. 
Pour into a greased and floured 9x13 baking pan or dish.
Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes or until top springs back
when touched.  Leave cake in pan.


1 stick butter, melted
4 tablespoons cocoa
6 tablespoons buttermilk
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 teaspoon dry Coconut Truffle tea
1 teaspoon coconut extract
1 box (3 & 3/4 cups) powdered sugar
1 cup chopped walnuts

In a large saucepan, combine butter, cocoa, and buttermilk.
Bring to a boil.  Stir in vanilla,  dry Coconut Truffle tea, and
coconut extract. Reduce heat.  Add powdered sugar and walnuts.
Mix well.  Pour over cake.  Served when cooled.

Delicious Chocolate Walnut Tea Society Cake!

NOTE:  Coconut Truffle Tea
A blend of black tea with coconut pieces and chocolate bits.
Item #1025  Loose Only
in stay fresh foil refill bags (R)  $9.00

Betty  xo


Cucumber Tea Sandwiches Recipe

Sweet Remembrances Cucumber Sandwiches

Cucumber Tea Sandwiches


8 ounces cream cheese
2/3 packet ranch salad-dressing mix
2 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dressing
1 cucumber, English when available, washed, peeled, and sliced
butter for bread
1 loaf bread, your choice


Blend ranch salad-dressing mix, cream cheese and mayonaise or salad dressing.
Spread trimmed bread with butter on both slices.  Then spread cheese mixture on
bread.  Top with thin cucumber slice.  Ready to serve!


30 minutes to an hour before assembling, spread cucumber slices on a folded paper towel.
Sprinkle with salt.  This allows the water to drain from the slices.

Sounds so good!

Strawberry Tea Sandwiches Recipe

Sweet Remembrances Recipe...

Strawberry Tea Sandwiches


8 ounces cream cheese
1/2 cup strawberry jam
butter for bread
fresh strawberries, sliced verttically through the top in halves, will look like hearts
sliced white bread or other


Mix cream cheese and jam with mixer.  Spread butter on both sides of
heart shaped bread (made with heart cookie cutter).  Then spread cheese
and jam mixture on bread, top with a slice of fresh strawberry.  Ready to

Great for a Valentine Tea Party!